
The Story of You and Me 6

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Literature Text

Irene smoothed her skirt nervously, wondering if it had been the right choice.  Then she chastised herself.  Clare would not care if the skirt was deep navy or black.  She was eleven for goodness sake.  Irene took a deep breath and knocked on the door.  It took eight seconds for Teresa to answer with a wide, beaming smile.

"Hey."  She leaned in to give Irene a short, chaste kiss before stepping back so that Irene could walk into the hallway.  "You look nervous."  Irene narrowed her eyes.

"I am nervous, you ass."

Teresa grinned.  "She doesn't bite.  At least, not anymore.  We trained her out of that when she was seven."  Teresa steered Irene into the living room where Clare was sitting on the couch.  She was a bit short for her age, with chestnut hair and bright green eyes.  Irene figured that she must take after her father because she looked very little like Teresa.  "Clare, this is Irene."  The girl stood cautiously and held out her hand for Irene to take.  Clare's grip was stronger than she had expected.

"It's nice to meet you, Clare," she said with a small smile, trying to appear inviting.

"Yeah, you too."  The child seemed nervous and apprehensive.  Irene felt her own awkwardness grow, and she glanced back at Teresa.

"Okay, well dinner is just about ready, so let's move this to the dining room, shall we?" Teresa asked, clapping her hands together.  She ushered Clare and Irene to the table, making them sit while she left to get the food.  Irene and Clare both stared after her, horrified that she had left them alone together.  Pushing down her panic, Irene decided to be the adult.  

"So, um, Clare," Irene began, bringing the girl's eyes back to her.  "What grade are you in?"  It was a stupid, impersonal question that she probably got all the time, but it was the best Irene could think of at the moment.  

"Sixth."  Clare did not elaborate.

"Oh, so is that middle school yet?"


"Do you have a favorite subject?"  Irene really wished that Teresa would come back and rescue her.

"Art.  And I like German, too."

"Oh, really?"  Thank God.  Those were two subject to which Irene could relate. "I took a lot of art classes in school."  This seemed to pique Clare's attention.

"Do you draw?"

"When I have time," Irene said, feeling more relaxed.  "It's hard to find the time now because of work."

"That's sad."

Irene mulled over that.  "I suppose it is."

"What do you draw?"

"Mostly people."  She left out the fact that for the last couple of months, it had been mostly her mother.  That probably would have been weird for both of them.  

"I like to draw horses," Clare said.  "I'm not as good at people."  Irene smiled.  It had been the same for her at that age.  She had drawn mostly animals, and horses had been her specialty.  

"I can give you some pointers, if you want," she offered.  Clare returned her smile.

"Really? Thanks."   

Teresa picked that moment to return, placing a salad bowl on the table.  "Just got to get the chicken out of the oven," she informed them before dashing back into the kitchen.  Irene watched her go, admiring her fluid grace.

"Mom said you worked in business," Clare said, pulling Irene back.  

"I do.  I help run a rather large firm."

Clare nodded, but Irene could tell she really did not know what that meant.  "Do you make a lot of money?"


"More than Mom?"

"Quite a deal more, yes."

Clare considered this for a moment, and in the lull in conversation, they heard Teresa curse in the kitchen.  "That happens all the time," Clare informed Irene.  "She gets ahead of herself.  I'm not supposed to repeat any of those words, either."  Teresa came back, carrying a platter of chicken, placing one on each of their plates.

"There we go," she said, sitting down.  "Alright, dig in."  Irene smiled at her and speared some lettuce on her fork.  "So, you two getting along?" Teresa looked very nervous for the answer.  Irene glanced at Clare, who nodded as she chewed.

"Mhm.  Irene likes to draw, too."

"I know," Teresa said, relaxing visibly.  "She's very good."

"She's going to help me, right?" Clare turned her questioning eyes on Irene.

"Of course," the slim woman agreed.  

"Good," Teresa beamed.  "I'm glad that you guys have something in common."  She looked as though she was going to say something further, but the phone rang.  "I'll be right back."  Clare and Irene watched her with curiosity.

"Who do you think that is?" Irene asked.

"I dunno.  Probably Lindsey."  Teresa's publicist.

As Teresa returned, they both realized Clare was wrong.  ".......and I know that's not what....Mom, please, just let me....." Teresa sighed with frustration, pacing in and out of the dining room, her heels clicking on the hard wood floor. "I really can't talk right now, Mom. …..Because I have company......Yes......No, you can't talk to her......When I'm sure you're not going to embarrass me, so never.......Yes.....Yes....God, Mom, of course we're still coming for Thanksgiving.....No, she's having it with her brother.  His wife's due any day now......Fine, I will.....Uh huh.....Yeah.....okay, I love you, too. Bye, Mama."  She hung up and left the phone on a coffee table in the living room.  "Grandma says hi, Clare.  And she says hi to you, too, Irene."

"Oh, well, you should have let me talk to her." Teresa was still keeping her family out of the picture as much as possible. Irene was unsure what that meant, but she chose to give Teresa the benefit of the doubt.

"I'd rather your first conversation be in person, not over the phone," Teresa said.  "She's more.....well, she's really not any less irritating that way, but she's easier to handle."

"So I have to wait until Christmas to talk to her?"

"It's better that way, trust me."

"Irene's coming to Christmas?"  Clare looked between them, and Irene could not decipher her expression.  

"Oh, yeah.  I meant to tell you that earlier," Teresa said sheepishly.  "Grandma invited her, but then all this stuff with the kind of slipped my mind."

"I...If it makes you uncomfortable," Irene said to the girl, "I don't have to go.  I can spend it with my brother.  I don't want to intrude."  Clare regarded her carefully while Teresa watched with anticipation.

"No, it's fine," the girl said finally.  "I was just surprised, that's all."

"You'll know Irene better by then, I promise," Teresa said.  "I want you two to bond."  Clare gave her mother an odd look, one that Irene did not understand.


"Anyway," Teresa continued, "I kind of want her to be so curious about you that she has no choice but to love you.  I mean, she already likes you, but I want to make sure she doesn't get a chance to make you uncomfortable until I'm there to protect you."

"I don't need your protection," Irene said lightly, with a small smile.  Clare snorted.

"You kind of do."  She shared a knowing look with Teresa.  "Grandma can get kind of....intense.  And she never really liked Dad.  She never said it, but even I could tell."

"Clare," Teresa warned, sounding very much like a mother.  She raised an eyebrow and then turned to Irene. "Don't worry about that.  Mom's not going to treat you like she does Chris."

"I really do want her to like me," Irene said softly.  "None of my other girlfriend's parents liked me."

"Why not?" Clare asked.  Teresa sent her a glare, but she was too focused on Irene to see.

"They all thought I was weird because I was too quiet," Irene said.  She kept her eyes on Clare.  She had never told this to Teresa and did not really want to see whatever expression was on the other woman's face.  "I was shy around them."  She shrugged.  "But I suppose it all turned out fine because now I'm here."  She looked at the other two and then back at her plate.  "Sorry.  Now I've gone and made it awkward for you two."  Teresa reached across the table and took her hand.

"Not at all, love."

"Speak for yourself," Clare muttered.  "All this mushy stuff is freaking me out."

"Oh hush," Teresa told her playfully.  "You like it just fine on those TV shows."

"Yeah. Not when it's my mom," Clare countered.  Irene thought she was going to like this girl.  She had Teresa's wit, and spoke much more maturely than the average eleven year old.  "That's fiction.  In real life, it's just gross."

"Sorry to have offended you."  Teresa did not look sorry at all. In fact, she stuck out her tongue in the most childish manner.

"Oh, grow up, Mom," Clare said, rolling her eyes.

"Is it always like this with you two?" Irene asked.

"Yes," they answered simultaneously, and then they flashed matching grins.

"Now I see the family resemblance," Irene said.  Both Clare and Teresa laughed.

"We actually get that a lot," Teresa said.  "Clare doesn't look much like me, but she has my mind."

"Which I keep asking her to apologize for," Clare snipped.  She smirked at Teresa, who rolled her eyes in return. She opened her mouth to retaliate, but the phone rang again.  Teresa sighed, and rose to answer.

"Hello?....Oh.... yes, she is. Hold--Oh my.... Yes, of course......I see......"  She put her hand over the receiver.  "It's for you, Irene.  It's your brother.  Sharon's gone into labor."

"Oh!" Irene jumped up from the table and grabbed the phone from Teresa.  "Paul?"

"Hey, Ren.  I'm at the hospital now," her brother said, sounding excited and frightened at the same time.  "Sharon's doing fine.  She's at...... five centimeters, I think."

"Is that close?"

"I have no idea," Paul admitted.

"Didn't you go to those birthing classes?"

"Well, yeah, but...I kind of zoned out."

Irene sighed.  "Well, done, Paul.  Should I head over there?"

"I think we have a couple of hours, but come when you want."

"Do you want me to come?" Irene asked knowingly.  "To keep you company and all that?"

"I mean, if you're not too busy."

"I'll be there in a half hour, okay?"

"You're awesome, Ren," Paul told her.

"I know. Alright, I've got to go.  Love you."

"You, too."

Irene hung up and turned back to Clare and Teresa.  "Sharon's having the baby." Teresa smiled widely.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go on!" She said, shooing Irene away.  "Go be with your family." Irene leaned in and kissed Teresa right there in front of Clare, who made a few retching sounds.

"It was lovely to meet you, Clare.  I hope next time we actually get more time.  Teresa, I'll call you later," she promised before heading out the door.  Once on the street, she hailed a cab, went back to her place, changed clothes, hopped back in the cab, and then headed to the hospital. She quickly found Sharon's room, and had to dodge a few nurses who recognized her.  Irene doubted she would ever become accustomed to being recognized like that.  It had already happened to her a few times in the days since the Us Weekly article.  Teresa was such a big celebrity that it seemed the entire world knew of her new lesbian lover.  The thin woman with silver hair and elf ears.  Irene almost regretted that she had such a distinct look.  It just made her that much easier to spot.  

Luckily, the nurses seemed to have some level of professionalism and pointed her in the right direction when she turned the conversation around.  Sharon's room was very close to a nurse's station, and Paul was pacing outside when Irene got there.  Before she could even open her mouth, he launched into an explanation.

"The baby's in distress," he said, the anxiety and fear clear on his face and in his voice.  "They're prepping her for a C-section right now.  I couldn't....I needed some air."  Irene did not hesitate to pull her brother into a hug.

"It's going to be okay, Paul," she said.  "They do this all the time.  Everything's going to be fine.  Sharon's healthy, the baby's healthy, and there's nothing to worry about."  He nodded against her shoulder.

"I know.  I know.  I think I just needed to hear someone else say it."  He sighed and pulled back.  "I'm just really freaking out."  A nurse stepped out of the room, interrupting them.

"Mr. Winters, we're going to take her in now.  You should come with me so we can put you in some scrubs."

"I'm going in?"

"Of course." The nurse smiled and Paul followed her, looking over his shoulder at Irene.  Another nurse came up to her.

"Ms. Winters, you can wait in the waiting room.  It's much more comfortable."  

Irene nodded and followed her, finding a chair in the corner next to a stack of magazines.  She began shuffling through them and stopped when she came face to face with a picture of herself in a casual kiss with Teresa Blackwell.  She stared for a moment, eyes passing over the blurbs that surrounded the picture.  All of them asked who the mystery woman with Teresa Blackwell was.  The magazine promised an answer on the inside. Irene glanced around the waiting room, which was relatively empty.  None of the occupants seemed to pay her any heed, so she brought the magazine to her lap and flipped to the instructed page.  She had not actually read the article that had outed them, and she was slightly curious, in a perverse way, of what it said.

The article was by another picture of her and Teresa, much closer together this time.  She grimaced, knowing that they should have been so much more careful. Bracing herself, she began to read.

Teresa Blackwell has always been known for her superb acting skills, impeccable fashion sense, and stunning good looks. But since last Tuesday, all anyone can talk about is how she was caught outside the hoppin' New York cafe, Zen Palate, locking lips with a woman.  Our best investigators have been on the case.  

The woman in question is thirty-five year old Irene Winters, daughter of William Winters, the real estate tycoon.  Irene is currently running the Eastern branch of the goliath business firm, Pennington Global.  Sources tell
Us that she's been an out and proud lesbian since her teenage years.  Her list of past relationships is short, but notable.  She's been linked to the super model Galatea Rook and high powered lawyer Elda Burbanks.  

Sources suggest that Winters met Blackwell at the semi-annual Gala for the Winters' Ovarian Cancer Foundation.  Winters started the foundation after her mother died from ovarian cancer.  It is one of the largest foundations of its kind.  Blackwell's older sister also suffered from ovarian cancer before passing away in 1988 at the age of twenty-two.  Blackwell has since used her fame to bring attention to the hard-to-catch disease.  

No one knows how long the two have been canoodling, but the relationship seems to be at least a couple of months along.  A waitress at Zen Palate confirmed that Winters and Blackwell can often be seen eating there.  

Despite the fact that she has a daughter from a previous marriage, not everyone is surprised to see Blackwell in a same sex relationship.  Her marriage with National Geographic photographer Christopher Darren ended four years ago amid allegations that Blackwell had cheated.  These suspicions were later confirmed by a statement from Blackwell.  The actress had a fling with costume designer Flora Krier, which led to the dissolution of her already rocky relationship with Darren.  The two are still on good terms for the sake of their daughter........

There was more left to read, but Irene sat frozen, her heart constricting at the new information.  Teresa had cheated on Chris.  That was why they had divorced.  Why he had wanted one.  The hand holding the magazine shook, and she swallowed hard.  Her whole body felt numb, and she thought she might vomit.  A cheater.  Teresa was a cheater.  Irene shuddered.  Of her three previous relationships, two had cheated on her.  Elda, whom the magazine had named, and her first, a girl she had dated through high school and some of college named Danielle.  Galatea had been a short one, only a few months, and they had never moved very far in their sexual relationship.  Both of them had realized that they were better as friends, and Irene still had a good relationship with her, even if they did not see each other often.

But the other two had broken her heart.  Elda had cheated on her with a man, and she had found out that Danielle had been with several men and women during their relationship.  They were the reasons why she had gone years without a relationship, why she had thrown herself so fully and completely into her work.  

The hand on her shoulder startled her, and she dropped the magazine.

"Ms. Winters?"  She looked up to see one of the nurses.  "Your sister-in-law is out of surgery."

"The baby?"

"They're both doing fine," the woman said with a smile.  For a moment, Irene forgot her personal pain, and let a smile cross her lips.  "A healthy baby girl.  Seven pounds, six ounces."

"Can I see them yet?"

"We want to give Sharon a little while to recover.  I'll let you know."  Irene nodded.  Once the nurse was gone, she leaned down to pick up the magazine, and her brief elation of joy diminished as she remembered the new revelation. Sighing, she pulled out her phone and walked down the hall where she might have some privacy.  When she was sure she was alone, Irene dialed Teresa's number, knowing that she was waiting for news about the baby.  The phone rang once...twice....three times.....

"Irene?  How's Sharon? How's the baby?"  Teresa's voice made Irene's stomach twist into knots.  

"They had to do a C-Section, but they're both fine now," Irene said, knowing that her voice was shaking and that Teresa would hear it.  "I haven't been in to see them, yet, but I needed to call you."

"Irene," Teresa said cautiously. "What's wrong?"

"While I was in the waiting room, I read the article from Us Weekly."  She took a deep breath.  "You cheated on Chris."  There was silence for a few moments.

"Yes.  I did."

"You didn't think that was something you should tell me?"  Irene struggled to keep her voice calm and steady.  

"I thought you knew."  Teresa sounded confused.

"How would I have known?" Irene asked harshly.  "I can't ready minds!"

"Everyone knows," Teresa said. "It was all over the magazines and the news when it happened.  Nothing I do is private, and I told you that at the beginning.  I never thought that there was a possibility that you wouldn't already know."  Irene slumped against the wall, bringing her hand up to rub her brows.  

"I don't....I don't read the magazines.  I never have.  I don't keep up with that kind of thing."  She closed her eyes briefly. She knew now that she would have to tell Teresa why this was such a big deal for her.  "I know I've skirted around this before, but I've been....I've been cheated on.  Twice."  Teresa sighed on the other end of the line.

"I'm so sorry, Irene.  I didn't know.  God.  I see why this would be so upsetting.  How about I call Clare's nanny, and I come over to your place and we talk about this?"

"I don't know when I'll be done here."  She wanted to stay until she was sure Sharon and the baby were alright.  She was also unsure if she really wanted to have Teresa in her home when she felt so vulnerable.

"I don't care how late it is," Teresa said firmly.  "I won't let you go to bed tonight without getting the full story.  The magazines....they don't know what really happened.  Okay?  Okay, Irene?"  Irene could not answer for a moment.  "Please give me a chance to explain before jumping to conclusions.  Trust me enough for that."

Irene nodded, then remembered Teresa would not be able to see.  "Okay.  I'll....I'll call you when I'm home."

"You promise?"

"Yeah.  I promise."  She lost her nerve and hung up, leaning her head back against the wall before walking back into the waiting room.  A nurse was there waiting to take her back to see Sharon and Paul.  The baby, named Arlette after Irene and Paul's mother, was a beautiful little girl with a full head of dark hair already.  Irene stayed with them for a while until she saw that Sharon was ready to sleep exhausted by the day's efforts.  She excused herself and walked down to the street with Paul.

"Are you okay, Ren?" he asked in the elevator.  "You seemed a little distracted."

"I'm fine," she assured him with a small smile that she knew had to look fake.  "Just some personal stuff."

"Trouble in paradise?"

"I don't know.  Maybe."

"If she hurts you like Danielle did..."  Paul let the threat hang in the air.  They both knew there was little he would be able to do, but Irene still appreciated the sentiment.

"It's not like that.  I wouldn't be stupid enough to do that again."

Paul wrapped her in a loose hug.  "Thanks for being here today.  I hope everything works out with Teresa.  You seem so happy with her."  She nodded and gave his hand a brief squeeze before stepping outside to hail a cab.  The ride back to her building was long and tense, and when she was in her kitchen she stared at her phone for a good half hour before calling Teresa.  It was nearly eleven at night.


"I'm home now."  She left it short and simple.

"Okay.  I'll be there soon."  She heard the phone click and then set it down on the table.  After a moment, she got up to pour herself a glass of wine, hoping that it would relax her nerves. It was half empty by the time Teresa knocked on the door.  Irene let her in.

"How did you get up?"

"I came in at the same time as your downstairs neighbor."  Teresa's eyes glanced around the place quickly, taking in the spartan decoration before landing back on Irene.  "Where do you want to talk?"

"The living room."  She led the way, stopping in the kitchen for the rest of her wine before settling into one of the chairs placed around the seldom used television.  Teresa lowered herself into the one across from her, not too close. She looked apprehensively at Irene.

"Flora was working on the movie I was doing at the time," she began. "Chris and I were having a rough time.  I know that's not an excuse," she said quickly as Irene opened her mouth to protest.  "I know that.  We had been having problems for a long time, and we should have broken up before then.  He was always gone, and I was always gone, and I never should have married him in the first place."

"What do you mean?"

"We got married because … God, because I thought I loved him and my parents didn't approve, and I was young and defiant and stupid.  And then Clare was born, and I felt like I had to try and make it work for her sake.  But I....I've always been more attracted to women.  Always.  But I tried so hard to ignore that, and I thought Chris was my ticket to married bliss.  I would get married and have kids and do everything I was supposed to.  But it wasn't what I wanted."  She took a moment to breathe deeply, keeping her eyes on Irene.  "When I met Flora, my marriage was already over in every sense except the legal one.  I know I should have waited, but I was so lonely, and she was kind.  It was only a few times, and I told Chris as soon as I got back home.  I couldn't live with the guilt.  He took it better than I expected, but that was the end of it.  He filed for divorce that week.  It was amicable.  There were no allegations, no mudslinging.  I don't know how the press found out about Flora.  I know she never said anything, and neither did Chris."

Irene sat stiffly in her chair.  She was unsure what to think.  It was not an excuse, she knew that.  But it was a reason. It was a reason that Irene actually understood.  Perhaps she did not approve, and as someone who had been in Chris's position, she knew that it had to have hurt him, no matter what the state of their relationship had been.  The part of her that had been hurt like that was suddenly scared of Teresa.  Scared of how badly the other woman could hurt her now.  

"Irene?  Please say something."  Teresa bit her lip nervously.

"I....think I need some time," Irene said quietly.

"Oh.  Okay."  Teresa nodded.  "I understand."  She stood to leave.

"Teresa...."  The actress turned her head back to look at Irene over her shoulder.  "I just need time.  That's all.  I need to process this."  Teresa closed her eyes briefly.


"I'll call you tomorrow sometime.  I promise."  Teresa nodded once more in response and let herself out. Irene sighed and went to change into her night clothes.  It took her hours to get to sleep and when she did, her dreams were frightening and stressful.  She woke up feeling even less rested than she had before.  Thankfully, it was a Saturday so she did not have to go into work.  She doubted she would have been much use.  She cooked herself breakfast, something she had learned how to do from Teresa, and sat down to think.

Part of her was hurt that Teresa had not told her, but the rational part of her realized that it was not a lie because Teresa had honesty not thought that she needed to disclose that information.  It was on her Wikipedia page.  Irene had checked.  It was common knowledge, and she could not blame Teresa for her own ignorance. Still, it would have been nice if Teresa had at least brought it up.  It was still something they should have discussed.

The larger part of her was more scared of what had actually happened than of Teresa's lack of disclosure.  She reasoned that Teresa's marriage with Chris had never been strong, that her infidelity had been because she was unhappy and looking for comfort.  It was not like what Elda and Danielle had done to her.  It was very different, and she really did not think that Teresa would do that to her.  She seemed sincere in everything she said to Irene, really and truly sincere.  From all the small hints, from the way Teresa's mother reacted, from the way Clare had looked at her at dinner, from the terrified look in Teresa's eyes as she explained herself, Irene knew that their relationship, as short as it had been, was much deeper than it had ever been with Chris.  She knew that deep down.  

And that was what mattered.

Irene threw on some clothes and decided to walk around the city.  She pulled a hat on over her ears, and wrapped a scarf around her neck, trying her best to hide her face.  Normally, the photogs were milder in New York, but with the whole thing still so knew to the media, it was possible that they would be looking for her.  She walked for blocks and blocks, trying to clear her mind.  Somehow, she found herself outside Teresa's building.  Taking it as a sign, she pulled out her phone to call the woman in question.

"Hey."  Teresa's voice was small and apprehensive.

"Hey.  I've been thinking."

"Yeah.  I...Have you...."

"I'm still a little mixed up," Irene admitted.  "It's a lot to take in."

"I know. I'm sorry.  I didn't think......I should have said something sooner."

"Well, we can't change the past.  What happened, happened, and now all we can do is move on from that."  Irene was surprised by how sure she felt.  "It may take me a while to fully trust you again, but I want to give you the chance to let me.  I love you, and I like Clare, and I want to meet your parents, and I want you to meet Paul and Sharon and the baby."

"I want that, too.  After I got home last night, I was so scared that I had really screwed this up."  Irene heard Teresa sigh heavily.  "I thought I had lost you.  I love you, Irene, and I know it's going to be hard with all the media attention, and I am so sorry for that.  I know it's what I signed up for, but I know it's not what you wanted for yourself."

"I can handle it, Teresa," she said, and she actually believed herself.  "I can do it."

"Are you....Are you busy right now?"

"Actually, no.  I was taking a walk."

"Where are you? I could come get you."

"No need.  I'm actually right outside."

"Oh. should come up. That is...if you want to.  Clare's at her father's for the weekend."

Irene let herself smile.  "Okay."  The doorman knew her by now and let her in, and she stepped into the elevator, heart settled once more.  They would need to talk about this some more, of course, but she was confident they would get through it.
So i'm back from spring break, obviously, and I had time to finally work on this story! yay!!! i hope there is still interest in it because i know where i'm going to take it now, and i think you guys will find it interesting.

because it's been so long, you might want to refresh with the previous chapter-> [link]

the rest of the story can be found here along with all my other Claymore related works-> [link]
© 2012 - 2024 whutnot
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Valkyrie93's avatar
well , i'm really glad you decided to take this on again XD

it was really fun , especially the awkward moments when Teresa was in the kitchen , with both Ilena and Clare just trying to bring up a conversation .... it's really hard to so when you are nervous >.>

i was really slightly surprised on Ilena's past relations , i mean , Galatea , that would never work . their personalities are too different to match each other ... which is why it was as short one as you said .

and i would definitely want to know more about Teresa's relationship with Flora and how it went and ended . i never really thought of them together in the Claymore world , but i think maybe it would've been nice .

anyways , i'm happy that you're updating , so , looking forward for more . :)