
And Tears Yet Fall CH 6

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

"Greetings, Quicksword Ilena. You are looking well. Congratulations on receiving the title of Number Two. It is well deserved."

"Thank you, Teresa of the Faint Smile." Though it had been one month, three weeks, and four days since they had last seen one another, they stood an appropriate distance apart, both hyper aware of their audience. The men of the Organization all sat before them in the dark chamber. The leader, whose name Ilena still did not know, rose, and quiet descended upon them.

"Welcome Number One and our new Number Two. I am sure that both of you are wondering why we brought you from your respective territories."

"Indeed," Teresa said. "I cannot speak for Ilena, but I must admit that I have more important things to be doing." It was only because of where they were and in front of whom they stood that Ilena did not roll her eyes.

"We have an assignment for the two of you," the man continued, ignoring her. "Two Awakened Beings are terrorizing one of the Western territories. We would like you to head two teams to eliminate them. The two of you have proved before that you work well together in such a situation. The rest of your teams are already on their way. You will meet them there."

"You called us all the way here for that?" Teresa crossed her arms in a grand display of agitation. "That was unnecessary."

"You can use the extra traveling time to create an appropriate plan. These Awakened Beings are quite powerful. They will be harder to kill than normal, that's why we have called in the two of you instead of lower ranking Single Digits. Remember to watch out for Empress Riful. Good luck. You will need it." Recognizing their dismissal, the two warriors exited the hall, not speaking until they were sure they were alone.

"I have missed you so much, Lena," Teresa breathed as she embraced the other woman. "I was so proud when I heard you had been promoted."

"But that was your doing, was it not? You received Rosemary's Black Card." They broke apart, knowing that while still in the bowels of the Organization's headquarters they had to have extra vigilance. "I cannot believe that she sent it to you."

"Actually," Teresa said, lowering her voice. "She sent it to me after she had already Awakened."

"What?" Ilena gasped. That was most unfitting behavior for a former Number One.

"Yes, she quite wanted to kill me. Calm down Lena," she protested as the Number Two wrapped her in another embrace. "People will see. I am unharmed." She removed herself from Ilena's arms. "Also, I told Orsay that she died a death becoming of a former Number One, so you must speak of this to no one."

"I won't." They moved a little farther apart as they passed a group of trainees in the hall. The young girls stared, awed at seeing the infamous Teresa of the Faint Smile and the revered Quicksword Ilena. "Looks as though word of our deeds have made it down to even the lowest level in the Organization."

"I do hope they all survive to receive their emblems." Ilena nodded. It was not uncommon for the weaker girls to expire before ever going into the field on solo missions.

"I am glad that we will get to travel together. It has been a long time."

"Too long, Ilena." As they turned the corner, Teresa grabbed her hand and gave it a brief squeeze before dropping it again. "I have to tell you, when Orsay told me that I was to receive someone's Black Card, I was terrified. I could think of only one person who would send me hers." Ilena regarded her thoughtfully.

"But it was not me."

"No, and I thank the God of Rabona for that. I do not know what I would have done."

"You would have done what you needed to. You would have killed me, given me a human death." Teresa scowled.

"I don't like thinking of your death."

"Nor I of yours. Let us instead talk about how to take on two Awakened Beings at one time." They spoke of their plan, weighing the strengths and weaknesses of the warriors who would be joining them, but once they were free of prying ears, their conversation took on a much more personal tone as they filled each other in on what had happened since they had last parted.

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They packed up camp silently, Clare standing between them, unsure who to comfort. Ilena knew that she would not be able to hold on to her anger much longer, not when Teresa looked so broken, but she wanted to let it take her for just a little while longer. Perhaps it was childish, but she was deeply hurt, and did not want to give in quite yet. While Teresa was often quick to anger and equally as quick to release it, Ilena could hold on to hers for quite some time. The silent night before had only let her anger simmer, doing nothing to improve her mood. She shouldered her pack, handing Clare's to her. Starting down the path on her own, she called over her shoulder.

"The next village is just over that ridge. We should be there by noon, and then Clare can have a good hot meal." Without pausing to make sure the other two were following her, she picked up her pace, striding quickly over the uneven ground. Her sensitive ears picked up Clare's small voice as she whispered to Teresa.

"Is she going to be mad all day?"

"I don't know, Clare, but let's not talk about it. She can still hear us." Clare made a small noise of surprise, and Ilena could imagine her hands clasped over her mouth.

"I'm sorry." Whether it was directed at Teresa or herself, Ilena could not be sure. She did not turn around to see. Her two companions stayed several paces behind her for the entirety of the journey, though she did slow down enough that Clare would not become too fatigued. The walk was peaceful, but she got no comfort from it, her mind refusing to calm down. A few times, she heard Clare try to engage Teresa in some sort of conversation, but the other woman only answered half-heartedly, obviously distracted. Eventually, she gave up, silence descending upon the group.

True to her estimation, they reached the outskirts of the town a little before noon. Ilena paused, letting Teresa and Clare catch up with her. Without turning, she addressed the other Claymore.

"There are at least eight Yoma in that village, possibly more." Teresa stopped next to her, frowning.

"Yes, I feel them. A few are powerful."

"It looks like we will get a free room for the night." She readied herself for battle, praying that her terror would not decide to show itself. They were just normal Yoma, not Awakened Beings, so she figured that she would be fine. Her competitive streak had asserted itself, and she very much wanted to kill more of the Yoma than Teresa did. She had the advantage of her speed, and she hoped that would be enough. It would do wonders for her mood if she could beat Teresa.

As they entered the town, earning curious glances from its people, the auras of the Yoma grew stronger, and Ilena knew they were all in the market place. Pushing aside their argument for the moment, she turned to Teresa.

"Do you want the left, or the right?" Each of the Yoma had taken on the image of a stall vendor, and were nearly equally split down the two sides of the market.

Teresa's eyes gleamed, and her trademark smile appeared on her lips. "I shall take the left, I think. Clare, stay here." The girl dropped back as the two warriors continued walking, taking their time. "It never ceases to amaze me how stupid they are. They have not even transformed yet." Indeed, the Yoma seemed completely oblivious to the two Claymore approaching.

"They are not known for their wits." Ilena slashed to her right, cutting a vendor in half, a look of surprise plastered on his face. Screams erupted after a moment or two of silence.

"I shall see you on the other side," Teresa said, as she gracefully leapt over the heads of two townspeople to drive her sword into the chest of another Yoma. Ilena did not follow the rest of her battle, for she had her own Yoma to worry about. Realizing what exactly was in their midst, the remaining monsters dropped their human façades and rushed her.

"You picked a good day to die, pretty little Claymore," the biggest one said as he made a swipe at her head. Settling into her fighting mindset, she calmly twisted from his reach, cutting behind her and severing his head.

"No, I think it is you who shall die today." Turning back around to face the last two Yoma, she caught sight of Teresa pulling her sword from a particularly large one. The other woman looked almost gleeful as she caught another under the arm, cutting cleanly through the limb. Sensing an aura behind her, Ilena turned her sword around and thrust under her arm, satisfied when her claymore sank into hard Yoma flesh. She pulled the weapon free, dripping with purple blood, and flicked the excess onto the ground. The last of the Yoma from her side of the market paused before attacking.

"You are strong, little Claymore, but I see you are missing an arm. Allow me to make it a matching set." She had to resist rolling her eyes at his stupidity as he charged. Stepping easily to the side, she cut cleanly across his chest as he passed. The two halves of his body fell to the ground. After wiping her blade on the remnants of his clothes, she turned to see that Teresa had also finished with her Yoma.

"How many did you get, Ilena?"

"Four. And I did not even use the Quicksword. Pity."

"A draw, then." She sighed. "Maybe next time."

"That is all of them?" Teresa cocked her head, feeling along the lines of her Yoki aura.

"Ah, how silly. There is one more." She lifted her hand to her brow. "I really must stop being so careless. What will people think of me?" She walked steadily deeper into the market, normal humans fleeing from her. Her smile broadening, she stopped in front of a stall selling flowers. Its vendor was not in sight. "When will they ever learn?" She thrust her sword straight through the table, and it was covered with blood when she pulled it back out. Kicking the stand to the side, she revealed a dead Yoma who had been hiding beneath it. "Now, that is all of them." Ilena sheathed her sword, knowing that she would need to clean it well that night.

What looked to be one of the town elders cautiously approached them. "You are Claymores?" Ilena and Teresa shared a glance. Were they still Claymores? Or did that title only apply to warriors still under the Organization's rule?

"We are what you call Silver-Eyed-Witches, if that is what you mean," Teresa said. The man seemed puzzled.

"But...we were told that no help would come. We could not raise enough money to meet the fee for so many Yoma." He swallowed nervously. "We can't pay you the full price." Teresa gave him a kind smile.

"There is no fee necessary. My friend and I are no longer affiliated with the Organization. We are happy to assist any village that is unable to pay. All we ask for in return is food for the girl and a place to stay for the night."

"Of course, but that cannot even begin to pay the debt we owe you!" He motioned to one of the younger men, who stepped up holding a sack of gold. "Please take this as well. It is not much, but it's all we have." Teresa held up her hand.

"We will not accept your money. Just spread the word that the Organization is not your only option for ridding your towns of Yoma."

"What are your names so that we can tell others about you?"

"I am Teresa of the Faint smile, and my partner is Quicksword Ilena." A few of the people's eyes widened, and Ilena concluded that they must know of the former Number One and Number Two. The Organization was usually very secretive about its ranks, but sometimes the exceptional warriors gained names for themselves even among the human population. The elder bowed his head.

"Lady Teresa, Lady Ilena, it is an honor to have you in our town. Please, I will show you to the inn." As they turned back up the street, Teresa motioned for Clare to join them. "There is food available at the inn for the girl."

"Thank you." They followed him quietly, the tension between the two women, which had been briefly relieved during the battle, returned in force. Ilena felt Teresa slowly stiffen as she walked beside her.

"Here we are." The inn was a nice one, Ilena could see that. They were lucky to be able to stay there. It would be nice to be out of the elements for the night. She did not, however, look forward to being locked in a room with Teresa and Clare, trying to figure out some way to make things right again. Teresa walked up to the inn keeper, taking the lead as usual.

"We need one room, please."

"These fine ladies just got rid of the Yoma for us," the town elder told him. "Their room is on me."

"Actually," Ilena spoke up, surprising Teresa. "Could we get two rooms? If that's not too much trouble."

"Oh, of course! With all the Yoma, we don't get too many travelers. We're pretty empty right now." He smiled at them, and Ilena did not look away from him, though she could see Teresa staring at her out of the corner of her eye.

"Thank you." He grabbed two keys, and led them to their rooms.

"These are the best two rooms we got. If you need anything, let me know." They thanked him, each taking a key. As soon as he and the elder left, Teresa rounded on Ilena.

"What is this?" Ilena did not back down.

"This is me getting my own room." She opened her door, turning to face Teresa. "I need some space and some time to think. I will be in here if you need me. Remember to get Clare some food." And with that she gently shut the door in her lover's face. Knowing that just sitting would allow her mind too much time to mull over things, she removed her cloak and pulled out her sword and her cleaning supplies. She laid the weapon down on the room's single table, and began methodically buffing off the grime and blood from the fight with the Yoma. It was harder with just one hand. She had not really realized how much she used her left hand, even if it was just to hold the sword steady. The blade was made of the most durable metal she had ever encountered and did not actually need to be cleaned for maintenance's sake, but she liked to do it anyway. It was a good habit to keep.

Determined to finish the job, she pushed down her frustration, pleased that it was becoming a little easier to let go of her irritation and annoyance at her loss of limb. It was healthy, she knew, to stop pretending that it did not bother her, but it was hard for her. It always had been. Unless she was with Teresa, she always felt that it was easier to just ignore her feelings. It was how she used the Quicksword, and it just came naturally to her. But actually dealing with the emotions was something completely outside of her comfort zone. As she cleaned the sword, she put all of her anger and frustration into each of the strokes, the repetition soothing her.

After a while, she surveyed her work, satisfied, and returned the sword to its sheath. As she was beginning to remove her boots, a knock sounded on the door. She opened it, revealing Teresa and Clare.


"I am going down to the market to get some supplies. Clare has already eaten, but I need you to watch her, if that's okay." Clare wore a sullen expression and Ilena imagined that she had argued poignantly to accompany Teresa to the market.

"Of course." She opened the door wider to let in the girl.

"I will be back shortly." Gently, Teresa ushered Clare into the room and then left. Clare sat sulking on the bed while Ilena finished removing her boots. As she draped the legs of the boots over her chair, she turned to the girl.

"Is she terribly upset?" Clare nodded. Ilena sat heavily next to her.

"I don't understand. Why are you two fighting?" Clare turned her huge eyes on the Claymore. "I thought you... I thought you love each other."

"We do," Ilena assured her, aware that Clare had come to think of them both as parental figures. This fight between her and Teresa threatened the girl's stability. "People who love each other still fight sometimes. It doesn't mean that I love Teresa any less." Her words did not seem to reassure Clare. "We have...Teresa and I are..." The words to describe their relationship and their issues did not come to her. How could she possibly adequately explain things to Clare? She barely understood it herself. "I don't know, Clare. But I do love her, very much."

"Is it because of me?"

"What?" Ilena looked at her, a bit startled.

"Are you sleeping in here because of me?"

"No, Clare. Not at all." In an act of rare maternal instinct, she pulled the child closer to her. "You really have nothing to do with this. It is between me and Teresa. Please don't worry about it."

"I don't want you to fight."

"I don't like it, either." Clare frowned.

"Then just don't do it." Ilena sighed. Despite all she had been through, the girl still had a child's perspective on the world.

"I'm afraid it is not that simple." She stood, stretching, hesitating before continuing. "Teresa said some things that really….hurt me. I just need some time to forgive her." As much as Ilena wanted to keep Clare out of their dispute, she also felt that the girl had a right to know why her two guardians were barely speaking.

"She kicked me." Ilena's head snapped back to look at Clare, horrified.

"She what?" As a rage rose within her, Ilena prepared to march down to the market place to giver Teresa a piece of her mind. How dare she take out her anger at Ilena on the girl. It was unacceptable and ….shocking. Ilena would never have thought that Teresa was capable of laying a finger on the child.

"Not today," Clare amended quickly. "I mean, you remember a couple of weeks ago when Teresa was talking about doing horrible things and that's why she wants to kill the Yoma? Well, that's what she was talking about." It made sense now. Teresa's guilt and her devotion to Clare. She was making up for hurting the girl. "It was when we first met. I was trying to hug her, because she looked so sad, and she kicked me." That sounded like the old Teresa, the one who hated humans.

"I'm sorry, Clare." Ilena did not know what to say, but the girl was nonplussed. She shrugged.

"Anyway, I forgave her, and she made up for it." Clare looked up at her. "Whatever she did to make you angry, she'll make up for that, too." She hopped off the bed and hugged Ilena tightly. "She's really sad." Ilena kissed the top of her head, finally identifying the strange emotion rising in her. She loved the girl. As much as she had tried not to, she had come to think of Clare as part of her family.

"You are a very special child, Clare."

"I love you, Ilena," she replied quietly, leaning into the woman's side. "I love you, and I love Teresa, and I want us all to be happy." Her words sent warmth through Ilena.

"Me, too, Clare. Me too." She extracted herself from the girl's arms. "I'll talk to Teresa. I promise."

"Okay. Can you teach me that stitch again? I forgot." Ilena had been showing Clare how to sew, since it would save them some money. The girl tore her clothes astoundingly often.

"Of course. The needle and thread are in my pack." Clare retrieved the items, and she and Ilena spent the next hour going over stitches until Teresa returned with a knock on the door.

"Clare, are you ready to go back to our room?" The girl looked hesitant, like she wanted to stay with Ilena, but her strongest loyalties were with Teresa, and with a small 'goodbye,' she followed the warrior out the door. After they had left, Ilena realized how much she had become used to having them near her at all times. She felt…..lonely. It was a new emotion for her. Claymores were trained for a solitary existence and most everyone she had met, with the glaring exception of Teresa, quickly got on Ilena's nerves. She would have to make up with Teresa quickly so that she could go back to normal.

She spent the rest of the afternoon and evening thinking about their situation and oiling the leather of her outfit and her boots, keeping them supple. So that she was not just sitting in her room nude, she had changed into a light shirt that hung to her mid-thigh, which she had taken to sleeping in. Her leather outfit was surprisingly comfortable, but it was not something she liked wearing all day and all night. Normally, she would have just worn the cloth part of her uniform, but that was completely ruined. As she was laying the successfully oiled outfit on the table by her bed, another knock sounded on her door. Predictably, Teresa stood on the other side.

"Can I come in, Ilena? Clare's asleep." Silently, Ilena, stepped aside to allow her entrance. Teresa was also dressed for bed, in the same kind of nightshirt that Ilena wore. They had bought the garments together at the last town, Teresa giggling at the fact that they would be matching now. Much more somber than on that occasion, Teresa glanced around the room, looking everywhere but at Ilena. "You're room is satisfactory?"

"Let's not do the small talk, Teresa. Just sit down." Ilena lowered herself onto the bed, folding her legs beneath her, glad that her movements were not awkward. Expression grim, Teresa followed suit, placing herself as far from Ilena as she could. They waited in silence, neither making the first move. Ilena sat still while Teresa picked nervously at the hem of her shirt.

"I-" She started then stopped, taking a breath. "I wish I could take it all back, Lena, but I can't. It happened. I…I ruined it for us." Brows furrowed, she looked down to her lap. "I know I….. I'm so sorry." She looked up then, into Ilena's eyes. "Please forgive me, Lena." Her voice was so small and filled with sadness that Ilena had a hard time stopping herself from giving in right then and there.

"You hurt me, Teresa." Restless, she stood and began pacing the room. "I…..understand why you….flirted with Number Sixteen. I do. That was partially my fault, and it would be silly for me to be this angry and hurt by that. But you lied to me. To my face. And then your explanation." Ilena closed her eyes, trying to control her breathing. In and out. In and out. Push down the anger. Keep it locked away, safe in its little box. When the rippling emotions calmed again, she continued. "What you said to me….You know exactly how to wound me the deepest." She turned back to her companion, who looked close to breaking. "To hear you refer to what we had as merely…fucking…" The word tasted vile in her mouth. " may as well have slapped me."

"I spoke in anger. You have to know that you mean so much more to me than that. You are my life, Lena." For a moment, Ilena carefully regarded Teresa, pain welling inside her.

"I know."

"You are right, though." Teresa looked away again. "I did…want to hurt you. I just feel so guilty. I wanted someone to share that pain, so I lashed out at you."


"About your arm. About everything." She leaned across the bed, trying to get closer, but Ilena backed up. "What you said about Clare set me off because….it's true. If I hadn't …..then you wouldn't have….." Ilena felt her anger slipping fast, but she did not move.

"It was not your fault, Teresa," she said quietly. "When will you believe that?" The other woman wrapped her arms around herself.

"But it is, Ilena. I always hurt the people I love." Though her voice was raspy and ragged, Teresa had not yet shed a tear. "I hurt you back then, I've hurt Clare, and now I've gone and hurt you again." Cautiously, Ilena walked over to Teresa and sat next to the hunched woman.

"Listen to me, Teresa." Ilena touched her cheek, gently lifting Teresa's face so that their eyes were level. "Yes, you've hurt me, but I was the one who had pushed you away. If I had been more willing to let go of my pride….. We hold equal blame."

"Nothing you did gave me the right to act the way I did with Number Sixteen. I did it because I knew it would hurt you, but it ended up destroying us both. I'm so sorry." A single tear slid down her cheek, and it broke Ilena. She wrapped her arm around the other woman's neck, pressing her face into Teresa's shoulder. Reciprocating arms encircled her, and she felt wetness on her own cheek as Teresa continued to weep. "Please forgive me."

"Only if you do the same for me." She tightened her hold. "I love you, Teresa. I love you so much more than I can ever say."

"And I you, little Quicksword." The Former Number one pulled back, her eyes searching. "Can I stay with you tonight?"

"What about Clare?"

"Her door is locked. She will be safe, and I will return before she wakes. I just….I need to be close to you tonight."

"I hope you don't think you're getting any, because I am certainly not in the mood for that." Teresa laughed through her tears.

"No. I just want to hold you." Reluctantly leaving the safety of Teresa's arms, Ilena stood and blew out her candle. As she returned to the bed, she looked down at the other woman.

"Do you want to try to sleep here? We'll just end up on the floor anyway." Teresa pulled her down so that they were lying side by side.

"Here is fine. I can sleep in a bed if you're there." Ilena leaned over, capturing Teresa's lips. The privacy from Clare was nice.

"I lied about you not getting any. I think I've changed my mind." Teresa grinned wickedly, pushing herself up and leaning over Ilena.

"I don't think I'll last long." Ilena shifted onto her back so that their faces were level.

"That's fine. More time for round two." She kissed Teresa again, savoring the contact. "Goddesses, you're beautiful."

"I love you so much."

When Ilena woke, she was alone in her bed, but that was to be expected. She grinned, remembering the night before. She had not fallen asleep until well into the morning hours, Teresa still in her bed at that point, but her half-breed body did not need much rest. After a moment, she stretched and then rose, picking up her night shirt from the floor and shoving it over her head. She packed her bag then pulled on her leather clothes. As she was buckling her last strap, small hands knocked on the door, and she could hear Clare's voice calling to her. Smiling, she opened the door and was rewarded with a hug from the girl.

"Good morning, Clare. Teresa." The other woman leaned over Clare's head to give Ilena a swift kiss.

"Good morning, indeed." Teresa was all smiles. "Are you ready to go? The inn keeper told me last night that there have been rumors of Yoma in a town west of here. We can be there in a few days."

"Yes, I just need to get my pack." She pulled back from Clare.

"Teresa told me that you guys made up." Ilena was proud that she did not blush at the memories. She cleared her throat.

"Yes, we did." She shouldered her pack and followed the other two out the door.

"That's good. Because it's really boring when you two won't talk." Clare grabbed Ilena's hand, pulling the warrior after her. "I mean, I had all these things I wanted to talk about yesterday, and no one was listening to me!" Teresa stifled a laugh as Clare continued to bemoan how awful it was to be ignored and how the two adults really should keep that in mind in the future. It reminded Ilena that, despite the selflessness Clare sometimes was able to show, she was still a child, and her world revolved around herself. Ilena nodded and agreed at the appropriate times, letting Clare ramble happily. She looked back and shared an amused glance with Teresa, enjoying her world being righted again.

Sometime around lunch, Clare finally ran out of things to talk about, falling silent as she trumped between her two adult companions. In the quiet, it was easy to hear her stomach grumble. Ilena reached down inside the girl's pack and pulled out a piece of bread and some cheese.

"Here, Clare. Eat this." They kept walking as the girl munched on her food. If she needed to stop, she would tell them. Over the weeks, Teresa had made sure that Clare knew to speak up if she became tired because it was easy for the two warriors to forget that the tiny human needed to rest occasionally. The day was nice, with the sun shining and a slight breeze, and they had decided to keep walking through lunch unless Clare protested. While the child was occupied, Ilena addressed Teresa.

"You know, the farther West we move, the closer we get to Her territory."

"I know. But she usually keeps to herself."

"Our auras may be strong enough to attract her attention," Ilena argued, anxious. "Riful of the West likes to play games. We would be an entertaining distraction." Though she knew that the two of them, and especially Teresa, were powerful, she knew that even together they would be easily crushed by the strongest of the Abysmal Ones. Teresa shrugged casually, unconcerned.

"If we come across her, we'll run. She doesn't usually pursue very far." Clare looked at them, her mouth full.

"Whosfh Risfhush osfsh dshe Wesfsh?" she asked, crumbs spilling as she talked.

"Clare!" Ilena protested. "Manners!"

"Oopsh." She grinned sheepishly, swallowing hard, then coughed violently as the food went down the wrong pipe.

"Oh, for goodness sake." Ilena patted her back as Teresa searched for the water. "Take smaller bites next time." Clare took the skin of water, gulping it down to clear her wind pipe.

"Sorry," she mumbled when she could talk again. Timidly, she handed the water skin back to Teresa, who took it with a raised brow.

"See, sometimes Ilena tells you to do smart things, like not talk with your mouth full." Ilena frowned.

"Sometimes?" Teresa grinned at her offended expression.

"Okay, most of the time." Ilena rolled her eyes as Teresa chuckled.

"Fine, but can one of you please answer my question?" Clare interjected.

"I'm sorry, Clare," Ilena said grandly, "but I didn't catch your question through all the food lolling around in your mouth. Please repeat it." The girl pouted.

"I said, who's Riful of the West?" Ilena and Teresa exchanged a meaningful look, unsure how much to tell Clare. She knew that Claymores were half Yoma, and she knew that they could Awaken into monsters, but was she ready to know exactly how incredibly powerful those monsters could be?

"Well," Teresa began. "You know what happened to that girl who attacked us and hurt me and Ilena." Clare nodded, growing somber. "Sometimes that happens to warriors, when we lose control of our Yoki powers. And when it happens to really powerful warriors, the result is an extremely powerful Awakened Being." Clare frowned as she mulled over Teresa's words. "Riful of the West used to be the Number One warrior. Now, she's the most powerful Awakened Being."

"And we're walking towards her?" Ilena almost laughed at her incredulous tone, sharing Clare's sentiments.

"Um….Yes." Teresa answered slowly. "We have to help the towns in the West, too." She patted Clare's head. "Don't worry about it. I doubt we'll see her. She's not very active." Neither Ilena nor Clare were reassured.

"I would still feel better if we did not travel too far West," Ilena argued. "She is unpredictable."

"Don't worry, Little Quicksword. I will protect you," Teresa replied fondly, causing Ilena to glare at her.

"As if," she huffed. "When she cuts you into tiny little pieces, I'll say 'I told you so.'" Clare looked up at her, horrified.

"Tiny little pieces?" Ilena could hear the fear in her voice, reminding her that Clare was still not used to gruesome nature of Awakened Beings.

"Oh, Clare, I didn't mean….I'm…I'm sure we'll be fine." As the girl walked silently between them, her expression fixed with fear, Teresa punched Ilena's shoulder.

"See what you did?" She knelt before the girl as Ilena rubbed her shoulder. "Ilena's just kidding, Clare. Nothing's going to happen to us. I promise, okay?" Clare nodded somberly. Standing, Teresa turned back to Ilena. "And no more death talk from you."

"I'm sorry, Clare. It was a joke. A very poor one, but still a joke." She looked helplessly back to Teresa, who offered no help at all. "We probably won't even see Riful. I was just teasing Teresa."

"I don't want either of you to die," Clare said, voice small and trembling. Ilena sighed, but knelt and embraced the child.

"We won't leave you alone Clare, I promise you that." The girl nodded stiffly, pulling away. Guilty, Ilena stood and took the girl's hand. "Let's talk about something else, shall we? Tell me about that frog you saw the other day." With a bit of coaxing, Ilena was able to pull Clare back into a happy and relaxed mood, earning a nod of approval from Teresa. Despite her assurances to the girl, however, Ilena did fear encountering the Abysmal one, and as they traveled closer to her territory, the one-armed Claymore's feeling of dread grew stronger.
i was going to wait a couple of days to upload this buuuuutttttt i got bored, and i wanted to upload something and this i all i had ready.

but....yay! they made up!

also be prepared for sexiness (but no sexy times) in the next chapter. Galatea's coming to town!
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AmyWinterbreeze's avatar
LOVE THIS CHAPTER. God how I adore to see Ilena and Clare are growing into each other :love: Loving your writing style as always, you are so talented ;_;