
And Tears Yet Fall CH 18

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

The man dragged her down the cold, dark hall, past lines of cells with other girls in them. Her heart beat faster as she saw that many of them were writhing in pain, screaming while their cellmates held them. The man's hand tightened around her pale hair, pulling her forward down the one of the last cells which was already occupied. The girl inside, probably not much older than Ilena, sat up as they approached, her dark eyes wide, her lovely face framed by black curls. Their eyes met briefly before Ilena was shoved roughly to the floor of the cell next to the girl. She lay there for a moment, listening to the door lock, before she pushed herself up.

"Are you alright?" She looked up at the girl and saw true concern in her eyes. She reached down to help Ilena up.

"I'm fine." Ilena looked around at the tiny cell. There were two pallets, one for each of them she assumed, but nothing else. They were both in tattered clothes which did nothing to protect against the chill of the dungeon.

"My name is Teresa," the girl said. "What's yours?"

"Ilena," she managed, suddenly self-conscious. This girl, this Teresa, seemed so calm in such a situation. "What is this place?" Teresa grimaced.

"Don't you know?" Teresa asked. Ilena shook her head. "This is the headquarters for the Organization."

"The place where they make Claymores?" Teresa nodded. Comprehension dawning on her, Ilena paled. "Then that means..." Teresa looked away, eyes closed.

"Yeah. They're going to make us into monsters."

"I don't think you could ever be a monster," Ilena told her softly. She had known the girl for just minutes, but she could already sense the kind heart that lived within her. Teresa glanced back at her, surprised.

"Why do you say that?"

"You have already been kind to me." Ilena blushed as the words left her mouth. Had this been what the other girls in her village had talked about when they discussed boys? Ilena had never been able to relate, had never thought any of the town's boys were worth mentioning. But this girl, this girl she had just met already sent her heart fluttering. "I just meant that...that you seem too nice to be a monster." Teresa shrugged.

"They do something to you, though," she insisted. "They put Yoma flesh into you and make you cold and hard." She shuddered slightly and crossed her arms over her not-yet-developed chest. "I've seen the girls they bring back. They're different." She twirled a strand of hair around her finger. "They take all your color. Those pretty green eyes of yours will turn to silver, just like my hair will turn blond." Ilena thought what a shame that would be. Teresa's hair was so shiny and beautiful. Like a raven's wing. She barely registered that Teresa had complimented her on her eyes.

"I don't want to be a monster," Ilena whispered, looking down. She felt a pair of thin but strong arms wrap around her.

"Don't worry, Lenie," Teresa said, using a nick name that Ilena knew she would grow to hate. "I'll stay with you. We'll get through this together."



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Galatea put up her hand, stopping their progress. "Do you feel that?" she asked Teresa. The older woman narrowed her eyes, concentrating on pushing her yoki sensing to its limits. Ilena did the same, having discovered in the past few weeks that her own capabilities were above average if she just pushed herself. She was nowhere near Galatea's level, but she could almost reach as far as Teresa. Almost. And she certainly felt something large coming their way. Something large and familiar. Teresa cursed.

"What the hell is she doing in this area?" she asked to no one in particular. "We are too far south and too far east for her!"

"Teresa? Galatea?" Ilena had a sinking suspicion who it was that was approaching. "Please tell me I am wrong about who this is." Galatea grimaced and looked back at the group.

"I'm afraid that you're not wrong." She closed her eyes briefly, tilting her head back. "Shit." Galatea rarely cursed, unlike Jen or Stella, so to hear such a word fall from her lips told the rest of the group just how serious the situation was. "She's not even trying to mask herself."

"Who is it?" Flora asked, staring questioningly into Galatea's eyes. "I can't feel anything yet."

"It is Riful of the West," Teresa said, voice hard. Ilena heard gasps all around the group, and she felt a small pair of arms reach around her waist. She looked down to see Clare staring at her with fear full in her face. Ilena draped her arm over Clare's shoulders, providing as much comfort as she could.

"Riful?" Kahlin asked, voice wavering slightly. "Are you certain?" Galatea nodded, and Ilena could see her locking away her fear, putting on a brave face for the others, for Flora.

"And Dauf, too," she added.

"Are you sure they are heading this way," Flora inquired. "Perhaps our paths will not cross?" Galatea shook her head.

"She's already sensed us and has increased her pace." She looked back at Teresa. "We should run. We should run now."

"And what good would that do?" Teresa inquired. "You know she's faster than any of us. I say we should stay and fight her."

"Fight Riful?" Jen protested, aghast. "Are you mad? She'll slaughter us!"

"No she won't," Teresa said dismissively. "Ilena and I were enough to send her into retreat ourselves. She's not stupid enough to fight all of us." Ilena could see the truth in Teresa's words, but she still had to struggle to keep her fear at bay. No matter how powerful she knew Teresa was, the thought of facing an Abyssal One sent her heart racing.

"Teresa is right," Ilena said. "Even if we run, if she wants us, she can catch us."

"What the hell does she want with us anyway?" Stella asked, less frightened than the others. "Why is she coming after us?"

"I don't know," Galatea replied, shaking her head. "But I know that we are what is drawing her. She will surely recognize Teresa's aura, and probably Ilena's as well. From what I know of Riful, she does not take unnecessary risks. She may be arrogant, but she is certainly not stupid. If she's coming, then it means she had a plan."

"So do we stay and take our chances, or do we run?" Allie asked, looking around the group. "Either way, it sounds like we will have to face her."

"Teresa," Tera began. "Do you truly think that your power is enough against her?"

"Alone, I am not sure of my chances," Teresa admitted, earning her a glare from Ilena. She had promised back at their earlier encounter with Riful that she would have been fine if Ilena had left her. "Last time, she was unprepared for my power. She will be ready this time. But with all of us, with so many single digit warriors, she can't win. Not even with Dauf." Few of the warriors looked convinced. Even Ilena had her doubts. This was Riful of the West they were talking about, not just some random Awakened Being. She was cunning and cruel and so very powerful. And they would not be dealing with her alone. There was the matter of Dauf, as well. Although his stupidity made him much less of a threat.

"Some of us should stay to meet her," she said, causing Teresa to turn and raise a brow at her. "Some of us should stay, and some should take Clare and get as far away as possible. That way, if it does come down to a fight, we will be prepared, but we will also know that the girl is safe."

"I don't want to leave you," Clare said, voice small and frightened.

"I know, child," Ilena said apologetically, "but your safety is my priority." She placed her hand atop the girl's hair, looking back up at Teresa. "You, Galatea, Kahlin, Tera, Allie, and I should stay. Stella, Jen, Flora, and Cameron should take Clare."

"I don't want anyone thinking that I'm a coward," Jen started.

"No one thinks that," Teresa told her, impatiently. "This isn't about pride. It's about the best chance we have. Most likely, we won't even need everyone who's staying, but the more who are here, the less likely the Empress will be to start a fight." Jen growled, but Cameron placed a steadying hand on her shoulder.

"Of course," she said. "We understand." Stella looked at Kahlin.

"Stay safe, alright?" The former Number Four nodded, cupping her partner's cheek briefly.

"Same to you." Ilena hated that she had to split any of the couples up, knowing how much the partners would worry about each other, but the difference between their abilities was too much to risk it. Flora was too inexperienced to face a creature of the Abyss, and Ilena was not sure how she would react after her encounter with Priscilla. She glanced back to see Galatea embrace the younger woman tightly, whispering something in her ear which made Flora nod before pulling back to look Galatea in the eyes and stroke her cheek. Ilena knew that Galatea would also be better able to fight if she knew Flora was out of danger. Kahlin would have been able to fight even with Stella there, but Ilena did not want to risk any more of their lives than they had to. And Stella would be able to keep Jen in line. She was a good choice to lead the smaller group.

"Keep heading east," Ilena said, turning to face Stella. "Just keep going, even if you think it's safe to stop, don't. Run until you can't." Their eye locked for a moment, and Ilena saw Stella's gaze turn steely.

"I will, Captain." Ilena looked down at Clare.

"You will be good, alright? You do as they tell you and don't make a fuss. We'll join you soon." Clare looked as if she wanted to cry, but she held back. Silently, she hugged Ilena tight. "I love you, Clare. I'm so proud of how much you've grown. Be brave for me." Clare nodded before turning to embrace Teresa, who kissed the top of her head.

"I promise we won't be apart for long, love," she whispered into the chestnut locks. "You behave for Stella, okay? And don't listen to anything Jen tells you." Her attempt at humor did nothing to lighten the child's mood. Clare bit her lip and turned to let Stella pick her up. The four warriors said a quick goodbye before taking off at a sprint, running as fast as they could with their precious burden. Teresa and Ilena watched them until they were out of sight.

"She will be fine," Ilena said to Teresa, taking the other woman's hand briefly. "She is well protected."

"I know." Teresa's voice was tight, but only fractionally so. Only enough for Ilena to notice. She glanced behind her to see Galatea and Kahlin steeling themselves, both their faces hardening. Tera and Allie shared a meaningful glance as well. They were all nervous, but they were ready.

"How far out is she, Galatea?" Ilena's voice brought the young warrior back to herself, and she took a moment to think.

"She'll be here within minutes." There was nothing to do but wait. By now, they were all able to feel the two immense auras coming up on them quickly. And then they disappeared.

"What just happened?" Teresa hissed, turning to Galatea. "Where the hell are they?"

"Focus on Dauf," Galatea replied hurriedly. "He's not nearly as skilled at masking his-"

"Well well," the high, deceptively sweet voice called from behind them. All six warriors turned to see the small, dark haired girl who seemed to be no older than Clare accompanied by a large, burly man. Ilena suppressed a shudder, refusing to show weakness in front of Riful of the West. "So glad I ran into you."

"You are a long way from your territory, Riful of the West," Teresa stated boldly, chin raised in defiance. "What of Luciela of the South?" Riful let out a high, girlish giggle.

"Oh, you haven't heard?" Dauf laughed next to her as she daintily covered her mouth. "The Lady of the South's territory is up for grabs." She smiled cruelly. "Some warrior killed her." Ilena stared at her, terror momentarily forgotten. Rafaela has succeeded.

"She's dead?" Ilena asked. Riful shrugged.

"Or as good as. Which means, I can take her land." She sighed wistfully. "I've always thought the southern lands were so lovely this time of year. Don't you agree, Dauf?"

"Yep. They're pretty, just like you, Riful." She grimaced and glared at his words.

"Shut up, Dauf. You're embarrassing me."

"Sorry." Riful gave him another glare before returning her attention to the Claymores before her.

"There's only one problem. The man in the north has a new woman, and rumors are, he wants to come down here and fight me for this territory." She placed a finger on her nose, feigning concentration. "And I just can't have that."

"This woman," Ilena began, mind working quickly. "Would she happen to have one horn?"

"So utterly tacky, if you ask me," Riful replied. "And a bit touched in the head, if you catch my drift." She tapped her temple in demonstration.

"Priscilla," Teresa muttered.

"Oh, is that her name?" Riful pondered this for a moment. "Not very impressive."

"But she is," Teresa countered, and Ilena grimaced. What was she thinking, taunting Riful? It was already strange enough that they were conversing with instead of fighting the Abyssal One. "She's stronger than you." Riful sneered.

"Watch your mouth, Claymore." They both tensed before Ilena placed her hand on Teresa's shoulder, reminding her what a precarious situation they were in.

"My apologies," Teresa amended reluctantly. "I'm sure you will be able to keep this territory." Riful rolled her eyes.

"Don't patronize me," she huffed. "I know I can't beat the both of them." She grinned ferally. "But I have a nice new secret weapon. And I have an offer to make you." Teresa's brows furrowed in suspicion.

"And what would that be?"

"Give me that one-" she pointed to Galatea "-and I'll let the rest of you go without a fuss." They tightened their ranks around the tallest warrior, protecting her from the Abyssal One.

"I'm afraid we'll have to decline," Teresa told her. "We'll be keeping her." Riful raised a brow.

"Hmm I hadn't taken you for an idiot," she said lightly. "I want the girl, and if you're smart, you'll give her to me. Really, this is a very generous offer."

"And it's one we won't be taking." Teresa's voice lost all lightness, and she stared coldly back at Riful. "If you want her, you will have to fight us for her." Riful's hesitation was enough to tell Ilena that the Creature of the Abyss was not sure she could beat them. If she had thought she could, they would not have spent so much time talking. It gave Ilena a bit of confidence, but she was still wary of getting into an entanglement. Some of them would get hurt, no matter how good Teresa was. There was a very real possibility that some of them could die.

"You will regret this, little Claymore," Riful warned. Teresa smirked, and Ilena could almost see what was going to happen before it did.

"Who are you calling little?" Ilena winced and Kahlin gasped as the words left Teresa's mouth. Simultaneously, Teresa drew her sword and Riful transformed into her awakened form, suddenly towering above them. Allie and Kahlin both took a step back, staring at the monster before them.

"Your arrogance will cost you dearly," Riful said, her voice sending chills down Ilena's spine. Teresa just smiled calmly.

"I would have thought that after last time, you would be more cautious," she mused. Riful responded but wrapping her dark tendrils around Tera and Kahlin faster than lighting and flinging them high into the air. It was then that Teresa's smile fell, and she growled, lunging at the Awakened Being. Ilena was about to follow her when she felt Dauf's aura explode. His massive form blocked the sun, and Ilena had to jump back to dodge his first projectile.

"Galatea, see if Tera and Kahlin are still alive," she called out, not looking behind her to see if the girl obeyed, not thinking about the possibility that the two were dead. "Allie, stay away from Riful. She's too strong. Focus on him." For the moment, she would let Teresa handle the Creature of the Abyss. She was the only one with enough power. The rest of them would have to keep Dauf occupied so that Teresa could concentrate.

From their previous fight, Ilena remembered that Dauf's weak points were his joints, and that the Quicksword was not enough on its own to defeat him. If only they had been given more time to plan. With all of them, she could have devised a strategy that would have dispatched the two Beings as quickly as possible. As it was, her mind was racing, trying to figure out how to best use everyone's special abilities. Obviously, once Dauf focused, Galatea's yoki manipulating would be of no use, but she was also exceptionally strong, which would be helpful. She realized that she did not know if Allie had a signature attack and silently cursed. Tera's, she would need. Her classmate had the ability to pull her sword back and focus her yoki, creating a powerful whip. Ilena was not sure if it would be strong enough to penetrate Dauf's skin, but it was better than the Quicksword.

Trying to buy Galatea some time, she vaulted high into the air, keeping Dauf's attention on her so that Allie could sprint under him and try to cut the backs of his knees. As Ilena descended, she brought her sword down, knowing that the blow would have been more powerful with two arms, and sliced deeply into the flesh of Dauf's elbow joint. But she had come in at the wrong angle, and her sword lodged in the tough skin. Ilena was thrown back to the ground, yelping as her back hit, while her sword stayed in Dauf's arm. Wincing, she pushed herself up to see that Allie had fared no better. The other warrior was struggling to remove her sword from where it had become stuck in the Awakened being's massive tendon.

Dauf screamed in pain from the two attacks. "You bitches! That hurts!" Allie stumbled back as her sword finally pulled free, and she moved just in time to dodge Dauf's foot as he brought it down to try and crush her. How had she defeated him so easily last time? Oh, that was right. Teresa had worked him over rather well before Ilena had gotten to him. She glanced over to see how Teresa's fight with Riful was progressing, but it was hard to see anything through Riful's mass of flailing limbs and tendrils. She just caught sight of the blond hair as Teresa flipped over the back of the Abyssal One, stabbing her sword into Riful, but receiving a blow to the stomach in return. Ilena flinched, but knew that she had to focus on her own fight if she wanted to be able to help Teresa.

"Allie, move back," she shouted. "Get out of his way." Allie complied without hesitation and Ilena charged again, this time going for the sensitive flesh where Dauf's arm and shoulder connected. He raised his hand to try and bat her down, but Ilena was too fast and pulled doggedly upward, her sword slicing clean through the flesh, catching no nicks this time, but it was still not enough to remove the limb. As Dauf howled, letting out a string of obscenities, Ilena used his own body to project herself over his head to the other shoulder. From this vantage point, she could see that Tera was back on her feet, looking between Riful and Dauf, deciding which one to take. Galatea was still bent over Kahlin, apparently attempting to heal her. Seeing that Teresa had Riful sufficiently occupied, Tera bounded over to where Allie was watching Ilena and Dauf.

"Ilena," she called up. "What do you need me to do?"

"His joints," she yelled back, thrusting her sword into a crease in Dauf's neck, keeping his attention from the other two. "Those are the only weak points in his armor." Dauf swung a massive hand to try and knock her from him, but Ilena easily dodged it, running down his spine, nicking every soft spot she could find. "Also his stupidity," she said as she raced back around to the other. "If we all attack him at once, he won't be able to concentrate on any of us enough to effectively fight us."

"You defeated him before, right?" Allie asked.

"We did. With just Teresa and me, so the three of us should be able to handle him," she told them with more confidence than she felt. "Tera, how is Kahlin?"

"She will be able to join us shortly."

"Good." She was unable to add more as Dauf overcome his pain to fire a hailing of projectiles at them. Allie and Tera dodged them while Ilena used the Quicksword as a shield, wishing that she had the yoki sensing that Teresa did.

"Hey!" Dauf protested. "That shoulda hit you!" Ilena did not respond as she vaulted back into the air, Allie and Tera on either side of her, and landed on Dauf's shoulder again, this time to cut open the side of his mouth just as Teresa had done in the previous fight. As she did so, Allie was able to put her own sword into Dauf's shoulder joint, finishing the job Ilena had started earlier, severing the limb. While the monster was distracted by his pain, Tera used her technique to cut deeply into his neck. Not deep enough to kill him, but enough that he was forced to revert back to his human form. Ilena and Allie jumped back as he fell, but as Tera prepared to deliver the final blow, all three of them were caught in Riful's grasp and thrown down into the ground, hard. As Ilena's vision blurred from the pain, she could hear Riful's voice.

"I can't let you kill him," she said, picking them back up and throwing them into the distant line of trees. While she was in the air, Ilena braced herself for impact, turning her body so that she would land on her left shoulder where there was no arm to break. She was also careful to keep hold of her sword and to try not to fall on it.

She must have blacked out momentarily from the impact, for the next thing she knew she was staring up at the sky through the colorful leaves of the trees, her whole body on fire. Groaning, she pushed herself up, pleased to see that her sword was lying next to her. Her ribs protested and her left shoulder ached fiercely as she attempted to stand. She cried out in pain as she tried to put the weight on her left leg, and looked down to see it bent at an odd angle. The ribs and shoulder she could wait to heal, but she would be useless as long as her leg was still broken. Gritting her teeth, she pulled the bones straight, unable to swallow the cry of pain that escaped her. Taking a moment to regain her breath, she looked around, trying to see if Tera or Allie were anywhere near. Unfortunately, she did not see either of them. She cursed softly before releasing her yoki to heal her leg. It took more time and more energy out of her than she would have liked, but it could not be helped.

Once she was certain that the bone would take her weight, she stood, scooping up her sword and closing her eyes to search for familiar auras. After a few moments she felt them, both north of her. So they were both still alive. That was good. As fast as she could without taxing herself too much, Ilena took off in the direction of the auras.

She came upon them quickly, heart sinking as she saw Tera bent over Allie, trying her best to stop the flow of blood from a massive wound in the other woman's abdomen. Allie's eyes were closed and her face was contorted with pain.

"It's okay, Lee," Tera said, voice trembling. "I've got you. It's going to be fine." Ilena could hear her barely concealed panic. Tera looked back as she felt Ilena's presence. "I don't know what happened. I...I was fine, just a couple of broken ribs but..." She looked back down at Allie. "She must have hit something on the way down." Ilena thrust her sword into the ground and knelt beside Tera, assessing the damage. It was bad, but Ilena thought Allie was strong enough to heal it, if only they could keep her conscious long enough.

"Allie," she said, grasping the woman's chin, forcing Allie to focus on her. "Look at me. You're going to be okay. I need you to focus on healing just the wound in your stomach." Allie gave a small nod, and Ilena could feel her aura grow as she released more of her power. "Concentrate on the organs first. They are the most important." Tera gripped Allie's hand hard, and Ilena tried to push back her own worry about Teresa's safety to save Allie. She tried to remember how Galatea healed people. Somehow she aligned their auras and directed the yoki flow. Ilena wished she could do the same, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not get her aura to sync with the wounded woman's.

"You're doing great, Lee," Tera whispered, glancing questioningly at Ilena as she kept up the constant encouragement. Slowly, the organs repaired themselves, then the muscles began to knit back together. The process was taking so long, though, and Ilena wanted desperately to get back to the fight, knowing that Teresa probably needed her.

"Tera, stay with her," Ilena said, unnecessarily. She doubted that a rampaging herd of Awakened Beings could pull Tera from Allie's side. "When she is well enough, you should rejoin us, but she will be too weak. Leave her here. I must return now." Tera nodded her understanding and watched as Ilena stood and sprinted through the trees, back towards the Abyssal One. As she emerged from the trees, she saw that Galatea and Kahlin had joined the fight, but both were entangled in Riful's sharp tendrils. Luckily, Dauf was still unconscious in his human form, but Riful was angry now.

"You think you can defeat me?" she bellowed as Teresa's sword passed through her again, releasing Galatea, who dropped to the ground, kneeling momentarily before throwing herself back into the fray. She acted while Teresa kept Riful's attention, slicing through the dark ribbons that held Kahlin. The other woman was unconscious, and Galatea swiftly moved her out of the way, catching sight of Ilena.

"Riful is growing weaker," Galatea called as she carefully placed Kahlin behind a fallen tree. "Teresa is incredible. She's taken the brunt of the blows, and still she fights like nothing's touched her." Ilena could not help the pride that welled inside her. She looked back at the woman in question, sensing that Teresa had released some of her yoki, the two massive auras clashing terrifically. "Tera and Allie?" Galatea's question brought her back.

"Both alive." Galatea nodded, relieved. "But I doubt they will be back in time to help us."

"Kahlin is out of the fight as well." She made sure the injured warrior was well protected before straightening to look at Ilena. "Earlier, I would have been skeptical about our chances, but with Teresa, I don't see how we can lose."

"Let's hope you're right," Ilena said before running back into the fight, dodging and jumping over the various attacks that Riful threw her way. She could tell the Creature of the Abyss was tiring. Normally, Ilena would not have had the speed to get past Riful's defenses, but now she could see the blows before they landed, giving her plenty of time to either remove herself, or cut through the attack. She saw Teresa look at her briefly, before she became entangled once again in Riful's web. The former Number One was quickly able to cut her way out, however, and launched herself over the Abyssal One, slicing up through Riful's chest. Ilena took the opportunity to cut more of Riful's supports. Galatea took the hint and began to do the same thing on the other side.

As they methodically hacked away at the hundreds of tendrils, Riful grew angrier, thrashing wildly with her limbs, finally catching Galatea and Ilena. Ilena gasped as she felt one of the ribbons pass through her abdomen and another wrapped around her left leg, still weak from its previous break, and snapped it easily. She cried out as Riful flung her aside, landing harshly on her back. As she coughed, cursing as she felt blood enter her mouth, she resolutely pushed herself up, taking energy to heal her leg, yet again. Galatea lay near her, blood seeping through her clothes. Ilena grimaced as she stood and limped over, turning Galatea onto her back, knowing that she needed to be conscious to heal the three holes in her chest. She was not dead yet, and as a powerful defensive warrior, she should be able to heal herself.

"Galatea," she croaked, voice rough with pain and exhaustion. Ilena kept one eye on the continuing battle, flinching as Teresa was forced back before she regrouped and attacked again. "Galatea, you have to wake up. Flora will kill me if you die." She slapped the woman's face, rousing her. Galatea opened her eyes, and they glazed over with pain. "Come on, Galatea," Ilena said fiercely, ignoring her own injuries, knowing that blood was leaking from the corner of her mouth. "Allie was able to heal from worse. Are you going to let her upstage you?" Galatea groaned and turned onto her side, coughing up blood. When her spasms subsided, she gave a dark chuckle and wiped the back of her hand across her mouth.

"Not a chance." Her face twisted with pain as she sat up, pressing a hand over the worst of her wounds, breath coming easier as it closed. "What about you? You don't look so great, either." Ilena looked down to see blood still pumping from her own wound, and sighed as she drew on her yoki to close it, knowing that she would have to be careful as she approached her limit. They both looked back as a deafening crash echoed through the hills. Teresa and Riful had been blown apart from each other, both wounded and panting.

"Let's call this a draw, Riful," Teresa offered, left hand pressed against her side. Riful had reverted back to her human form, scowling at her opponent. "You know I could beat you."

"Who are you?" Riful asked, the awe in her voice not quite concealed. "What kind of warriors are they making now?"

"My name's Teresa, and I don't work for the Organization anymore, so I really have no quarrel with you," Teresa answered. "Let me take my friends and go, and we will leave your territory as quickly as possible." Riful looked back at Dauf's still form then back at Teresa, obviously knowing that Teresa's offer was more than generous. She drew herself up to her full and unimpressive height, putting the haughtiest look on her face she could manage.

"Leave now before I change my mind," she said, feigning boredom. "You're hardly worth my time." She walked over to where Dauf was beginning to rouse. "Let's go, Dauf. We'll find a more appreciative Claymore to take our offer." Dauf only groaned as Riful helped him to his feet. "Be warned, though, Claymore. If I see you in my territory again, I won't go so easy on you." And with that, she disappeared, Dauf in tow. Teresa stared after them for a moment before striding over to where Ilena and Galatea were resting, looking down to check her wound.

"Dammit," she whispered, sheathing her sword get a better look. "That bitch cut me." Ilena could not help but laugh even though it pulled at the barely healed muscles in her abdomen. They were alive. They were all alive, and Riful had left. "Are you two alright?"

"Why did you let her go?" Ilena asked. "You could have finished her off." Teresa shrugged as she concentrated on closing the wound in her side.

"I was feeling generous." She smirked. "And I didn't know how many more times you could take being injured." Ilena rolled her eyes, taking the hand Teresa offered and pulling herself up.

"I'll be fine," she huffed, ignoring the pain from her wounds. "But we should check on Kahlin." Teresa nodded, turning to help Galatea to her feet.

"And you?" she asked. "Are you alright? I would hate to be the one to tell Flora that you died. It would be like kicking a puppy." Galatea blushed.

"I'll be okay," she muttered, wiping the blood from her hands. She paused, biting her lip. "You two think she really likes me?" Teresa smacked the back of Galatea's head and told her she was an idiot before turning around to see if Kahlin had awoken yet. Ilena smiled at Galatea's stunned expression, and patted her arm.

"To answer your question, yes." Then she followed Teresa, limping slightly as her leg threatened to give way. It would take time to heal it properly. Time and energy.

Kahlin was on her feet, albeit trembling, by the time Ilena made it over, leaning heavily on Teresa.

"Well," she said softly. "That was a hell of a thing, wasn't it?" Teresa laughed.

"That it was." Kahlin chuckled, and Ilena found the urge to join in grow harder to resist as giddiness overtook her. She supposed that happened sometimes after such a trying experience. They were all just happy to be alive.

"Where are Tera and Allie?" Teresa asked Ilena, scanning the battlefield. "Are they...?"

"They're still alive," Ilena said. "Allie was severely injured, and I had to leave them back in the woods."

"Then we all made it." Teresa nodded, pleased. "Good. That's good." They all stood there for a few minutes, catching their breath, unsure what to do next.

"Should we go find them?" Galatea inquired. "Tera and Allie, I mean." She rubbed her chest subconsciously, wincing as her hand passed over the closing wounds.

"I suppose so," Ilena said. "Yes. They will be worried about us." Galatea moved to sling Kahlin's other arm around her shoulder so that the woman was supported between her and Teresa. Slowly and steadily, they all four walked back the way Ilena had come, their pace increasing as they healed. By the time they reached the place where Tera still sat by Allie's side, Kahlin had healed enough to walk on her own, though she was still far from well.

Tera looked up as they approached, smiling as she saw that they were all accounted for. Allie had made it into a sitting position, and Ilena could see through her ripped clothes that her wound was closed.

"I am glad to see you all," Tera said happily. "We were worried for a while there." She stood and helped Allie to her feet. "I suppose we should start heading east, then." After the others. Ilena looked at Galatea expectantly. She shook her head.

"I can't feel them anymore," she said apologetically. "Stella must have taken your instructions to heart. We'll just have to follow their trail." Ilena sighed as they began the long journey to meet up with the rest of their group. As injured as they all were, they would not be able to run for a while, slowing their progress further. It might be days before they found the others. She hoped that they were all alright and that Clare was not too worried about them. She knew the girl had not wanted to part from her and Teresa, but she also knew they had made the best decision. Walking next to Teresa, she trudged down the path, knowing that she would not feel at ease until she could hold Clare again.
What, another chapter up? that's right. I'm on a freaking roll. Don't get used to it. I'm probably going to hit a block now. so yeah. savor this chapter.

previous chapter-> [link]

other Claymore stuff (and the rest of the story) -> [link]
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Greatkingrat88's avatar
Well, I think my head just exploded with how adorable the flashback at the beginning was.

Riful, now of all times? How very dramatic. Teresa is probably right, though- It's Teresa,of all people, leading an almost exclusively single digit group. This is too dangerous by far for Riful to risk direct combat. And she's already ceded the psychological advantage by showing she's not sure she'll win. If she was, she would just have attacked them without making an offer.
Aaand, now she's going to have to worry for Dauf, too. I don't think she could start at a greater disadvantage.

If I am to speculate for just a second: Luciela is dead. The power balance is gone. By taking the lands of the south, Riful will be provoking Isley to move on her- and she knows he has Priscilla at his side. This could get very interesting...

Nice little scene with your OCs there. Short, but it fits right in with this being a massive action scene.

An overall great fight scene. Your way of writing fights is getting better, I think, though it's a bit stiffly described in certain places. Mostly I like how the outcome made a lot of sense- just like two top predators facing off in combat, they ultimately backed down rather than fight to the death, because they both had too much to lose.
And also, your portrayal of Riful, her appearance here- initially it just felt like you added it for the sake of drama, but the justification is very good. Riful's desperate, and needs to make something happen, much like in the canon. All in all, very well thought out.